The use of Total Mass-Weight gainer is quite popular among the fitness community and gym freak club. However, many fitness rookies like me are unfamiliar with the purpose and effect of it so, let’s dig into that today.
Purpose of Total Mass-Weight Gainer:
As the term weight gainer implies, it is a high caloric product loaded with essential carbohydrates and proteins. It is a great product to ramp up the calorie requirements of people with high caloric needs. Here are some of the most prominent benefits or uses of Total Mass-Weight Gainer powder:
1) Fulfills your Intense Calorie Requirements & Helps to Build Muscle:
When someone begins to train his/her muscles, their daily calorie requirements enhance by 20 folds. But, the normal diet is usually not enough to fulfill the contemporary calorie requisite. So by the use of these Total Mass-Weight Gainers, one can satiate his/her calorie requirements sufficiently. To gain a pound of muscle almost 20 times, the calories of that of individual weight are required. For example, if a person weighs 180 pounds so (180 pounds x 20 calories =3600kcal) he will require 3600 calories per day to gain a pound of muscle in the determined time frame.
2) Enriched with Dietary Fats:
Dietary fats are very beneficial for the human body and can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body which is responsible for several diseases. The dietary fat content in the Total Mass-Weight Gainer helps to keep the body lean while building up those muscles. These dietary fats are capable to enhance the levels of HDL (good cholesterol) in the body, thereby reducing the bad cholesterol in the body. Dietary fat provides health benefits that can contribute towards keeping your body lean whilst building muscles.
3) Provides you with your Daily Creatine Store:
Total Mass-Weight Gainers contain a good amount of creatine. Creatine is essential for many reasons. Creatine is required to improve strength, increase lean muscle mass, and aid with muscle recovery after exercise. Creatine is an excellent element to enhance muscles’ phosphocreatine stores, which in turn translates into the production of an increased amount of energy. It ramps up the process of muscle growth in as soon as a week. This element of Total Mass-Weight Gainer also lowers blood sugar levels, in turn fighting diabetes. Hence, creatine enhances the benefits of Total Mass-Weight Gainer by three folds.
4) Loaded with Digezymes:
There is another very important element present in Total Mass-Weight Gainer, namely digezyme. Apart from providing a high amount of calories to fulfill enhanced calorie requisites, Total Mass-Weight Gainer also provides a sufficient ratio of digezymes that are the combinational product of various digestive enzymes. So, that the ingested calories could be digested and used proportionally. Digezyme improves digestion and also facilitates better absorption of nutrients, opening new chapters of metabolic benefits.
How to consume it?
Total Mass-Weight Gainer is an excellent product to build muscle mass and fulfill calorie requirements but I recommend you to continue eating your daily meal with it. Two scoops of Total Mass-Weight Gainer are recommended per day, but one needs to understand that no matter how many weight gainers we consume, it is impossible to gain muscle mass without the consumption of a clean and healthy high carb macro-nutrient diet. The correct way to consume Total Mass-Weight Gainer is by mixing one scoop in a shake or milk at the beginning of the day, carrying out normal eating rituals, and then ending the day with another scoop of Total Mass-Weight Gainer. Eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner on time, even if you feel like skipping any one of them. Exercise, just the way you normally do, and then end your day with another scoop of the Total Mass-Weight Gainer. This is the only healthy way of consuming a Total Mass-Weight Gainer or otherwise, it is impossible to get desired results.
Bottom line:
The Total Mass-Weight Gainer is liked by customers all around the globe. The high caloric content, with low sugar, high carb, and low-fat levels makes it an excellent pre work out snack. It is a deal-breaker for all the fitness enthusiasts eager to put on some muscle mass.